
Supporting directors and business owners to help manage their financial future

Companies - Supporting directors and business owners to help manage their financial future

We can provide financial investment support for business owners, entrepreneurs and the self-employed with a range of services depending on how much support is required.

Our investment managers can help you diversify risk by investing in areas away from your core business. James Sharp can also offer advice for retirement schemes, including Small Self-Administered Schemes.

Choose Your Level of Service

Depending on how you feel about making investment decisions, we can help you choose an investment service that best serves your needs.

With our service matrix you can identify your requirements against all of our investment services to see which one would be the most suitable for you.

With our service matrix you can identify your requirements against all of our investment services to see which one would be the most suitable for you. Discretionary Discretionary Service Execution Only Execution Only Service
Investment decisions taken by your dedicated investment manager
Investment decisions made by you with advice
Investment decisions taken by you without advice
Day to day portfolio management by a qualified professional
Quarterly report with detailed performance update
Online access to view your portfolio
Annual capital gains tax statement
Consolidated tax certificate
Corporate actions advice

Find out more about our investing ethos and approach

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