Bolsas Y Mercado: BME to distribute a €0.6 second interim dividend

The Board of Directors of BME today agreed to distribute to its shareholders on December 28th the second interim dividend against 2018 earnings, with a value of €50 million. The figure represents a gross €0.6 per share, the same as that distributed a year ago.

On September 14th BME distributed to its shareholders the first interim dividend, for a gross amount of €0.4 per share.

The date on which the shareholders entitled to receive a dividend are determined will be 27 December (record-date) and the ex-date for the BME shares will be 24 December. Therefore the last day to buy a share in BME that includes to right to a dividend will be 21 December.

Since 2009 BME has been applying an ordinary dividend distribution policy based on three payments, which for 2019 will be as follows:

–          Final Dividend year 2018: 

10 May 2019

–          First interim dividend against 2019 earnings:

13 September 2019

–          Second interim dividend against 2019 earnings: 

30 December 2019

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