British Am. Tobacco Branch Register: Dividend Finalisation Information

The November 2018 Dividend will be payable on 15 November 2018 to shareholders registered on either the UK main register or the South Africa branch register on 5 October 2018 (the record date).

In accordance with the JSE Limited (“JSE”) Listing Requirements, the finalisation information for the November 2018 Dividend relating to shareholders registered on the South Africa branch register is set out in the paragraphs below.

The salient dates and other dividend declaration information announced on 22 February 2018 remain unchanged.

South Africa Branch Register: Dividend Rate

The British American Tobacco Group reports in sterling, therefore dividends are declared and payable in sterling except for shareholders on the branch register in South Africa whose dividends are payable in rand.  A rate of exchange of £:R = 18.72890 as at 21 September 2018 (the closing rate on that date as quoted by Bloomberg), results in an equivalent November 2018 Dividend of 913.97032 SA cents per ordinary share.

South Africa Branch Register: Dividends Tax Information

South Africa Dividends Tax (at a rate of 20%), equivalent to 182.79406 SA cents per ordinary share, will be withheld from the gross November 2018 Dividend paid to shareholders on the South Africa branch register, unless a shareholder qualifies for an exemption.  After Dividends Tax has been withheld, the net dividend will be 731.17626 SA cents per ordinary share.  The November 2018 Dividend is regarded as a 'foreign dividend' for the purposes of the South Africa Dividends Tax. For the purposes of South Africa Dividends Tax reporting, the source of income for the payment of the November 2018 Dividend is the United Kingdom.

At the close of business on 21 September 2018 (the latest practicable date prior to the date of the declaration of the South African rand equivalent of the November 2018 Dividend), the Company had a total of 2,293,744,898 ordinary shares in issue (excluding treasury shares). The Company held 162,645,590 ordinary shares in treasury giving a total issued share capital of 2,456,390,488 ordinary shares.

British American Tobacco p.l.c. is registered with the South African Revenue Service (SARS) with tax reference number 9378193172.

For the avoidance of doubt, Dividends Tax and the information provided above is of only direct application to shareholders on the South Africa branch register. Shareholders on the South Africa branch register should direct any questions regarding the application of Dividends Tax to Computershare Investor Services Proprietary Limited, contact details for which are given below:

Computershare Investor Services Proprietary Limited

PO Box 61051, Marshalltown 2107, South Africa

tel: 0861 100 634; +27 11 870 8216

email enquiries:

Name of duly authorised officer of issuer responsible for making notification: 

Paul McCrory

Company Secretary

British American Tobacco p.l.c.

25 September 2018

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