Concurrent Technologies plc Interim Results for Six Months Ended 30th June 2023

19 September 2023

Concurrent Technologies PLC

(the “Company”)

Interim Results for the six months ended 30 June 2023

Concurrent Technologies PLC (AIM: CNC), a world leading specialist in high-end embedded computer products for critical applications, announces its interim results for the six months to 30 June 2023 (“H1 2023“).

Financial Performance

Strengthened order intake has translated into record H1 2023 revenue at £12.1M (representing a 63% increase on H1 2022, and a 22% increase on H1 2020, which was the best revenue year to date).  Demand for the Company’s products remains strong with a H1 order intake of £14.5M (H1 2022: £14.2M) and record backlog of £29M (31 December 2022: £26.7M).  Despite ongoing challenges with component supply, it is reducing in both difficulty of supply and lead times, beginning to unlock what had otherwise been a major constraint to revenue for the previous 2 years, and will ease further throughout the remainder of this year.

·    Revenue of £12.1M (H1 2022: £7.4M) – remained constrained by components, however, represents a record half year, with an increase of 63% on prior year.

·    Gross profit of £6.0M (H1 2022: £3.7M); an increase of 62% on prior year.

·    Gross margin of 49.7% (H1 2022: 50.4%) – reduced as the result of price increases of some components due to high demand and limited supply, and increased manpower costs.

·    Operating profit of £1.0M (H1 2022: £0.0M) – predominantly driven by increase revenue, and hence gross profit (+£2.3M); net costs increased by c£1.3M, in line with investment strategy (Enabling Functions e.g. People, Commercial, Procurement; Operations e.g. talent, 2 shifts; Engineering talent; Facilities e.g. Theale office; Leadership team).

·    Profit before tax of £1.0M (H1 2022: £0.0M).

·    EPS of 1.54 pence (H1 2022: 0.75 pence); increase of 105% on prior year.

·    Cash Balance (including cash deposits) as at 30 June 2023 of £3M (31 Dec 2022: £4.5M).

o  Increased cash from Operations of £0.5M (due to a stronger H1), including increased inventory of £1M.

o  Decrease of £2M from investment activity, predominantly driven by R&D (£1.7M).

Operational Summary

·    Strong order intake of £14.5M as at 30 June 2023, with significant backlog of £29M compared to £20.3M backlog as at 30 June 2022, up 42%.

·    Revenue defined by components availability in H1.

·    Defence remains the largest market sector at 73% revenue.

·    Global customer base is solid with exports generating +90% of revenue.

·    Investment in R&D costs (talent, improved process & analysis, materials) have continued (+£0.4M), in line with stated strategy to improve the cadence and time to market of products that offer the very latest technology.

·    Launched new product Hermes, the latest processer plug-in card.

·    Key Partnership agreement announced with Alpha Data to act as a reseller of their FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) based plug in card.

·    New distributor agreement with SoC-e to enable the company to offer the portfolio of Relyum Advanced Networking Solutions.

·    Component shortages have remained challenging, limiting the company’s ability to ship product. This is expected to ease in H2 2023.

·    Major new systems order with FTSE 250 customer for £1.25M.

Miles Adcock, CEO of Concurrent Technologies, commented: “We are delivering on our commitment to transition our core Single Board Computer business into growth.  We maintained focus and investment throughout a difficult period of component constraints; and are now seeing the customer demand for our new products reflected as increased revenues.  In parallel we have been underpinning capability in relation to a wider systems offering, utilising our own products, but also partners’ products for use in higher value products and services.  This progress on multiple fronts creates the right conditions for our recently announced equity raise and associated acquisition of Phillips Aerospace to accelerate our Systems strategy. Together these developments provide us with confidence for the future.”


The first half of 2023 has seen a significant recovery in the trading performance of the Company, with record revenues as the component shortages ease, although key shortages are still an issue impacting our ability to convert backlog into revenue.  Order intake remains strong and our improved time to market with new innovative products will further grow and broaden our customer base.

The acquisition of Phillips Aerospace in September 2023 is an important step in growing our Systems business, transforming the Company beyond our historic Single Board focus, with the potential for a step change in the available market opportunity for the Company.

Although an interim dividend is not being declared, we are confident we will continue the recovery in the second half of 2023 which will allow us to consider the re-introduction of a full year dividend.


Financial Summary

The performance of the Company has remained challenged through limitations of component supply in H1 2023, resulting in a restricted, although record, revenue of £12.1M (H1 2022 £7.4M), a significant increase of 63% on prior year.  The company continues to have strong backlog (contracted work) at £29M at H1 2023 (H1 2022: £20.3M), and the Company expects H2 2023 component supply to be improved over that of H1 2023, following a critical delivery in July 2023.

Gross margin is 49.7% (H1 2022; 50.4) which is driven primarily by cost of components.  The company has seen a rise in prices during the period of shortage and high demand.  

The Company has delivered an unaudited profit before tax of £1M (H1 2022; £0.0M).  This is a £1M increase on 2022, represented by the increase revenue (+£4.7M on H1 2022) and corresponding gross profit (+£2.3M), however net operating expenses were up on prior year, in line with the investment strategy at £5.0M (H1 2022: £3.7M).  This is driven predominantly by additional investment in talent in R&D (+£0.4M), enabling functions and the Leadership team (+£0.7M).  The Company also benefitted from a £0.4M foreign exchange rate gain in H1 2022, not repeated in H1 2023.

The balance sheet remains strong with no debt and £3M of cash balances (including cash deposits) as at 30 June 2023 (31 December 2022: £4.5M).  Component supply issues have continued to dominate H1 2023, and this has meant a further investment in inventory and a restricted level of revenue, resulting in a lower cash profile.  The Company expects to see this start to reverse in H2 2023, as component supply eases.  Inventory holdings have increased to £11M by the end of H1 2023 (H1 2022: £9.5M), an increase of a further £1M since 31 December 2022.  The Company is confident in the quality of the inventory held and that it will see a reduction in the levels during H2 2023.  Trade receivables were relatively high at the end of H1 2023 at £5.3M (H1 2022: £3.5M) due to the timing and level of revenue, which was £4.7M higher than H1 2022.  

With a record order intake in 2022, and further order intake in H1 2023 of £14.5M, and therefore a significant contracted backlog of £29M, plus easing component supply issues, the Company is confident in its H1 2023 outlook.

Post Interim Close Events

On 6 September 2023 the Company completed the acquisition of Phillips Aerospace for US$3.4m through a combination of US$1.9m cash and the issue of equity of $1.5m to the owners of Phillips Aerospace.  Simultaneously the Company raised £6.8m through the issue of fresh equity approved by shareholders at a General Meeting held on 4 September 2023.  These events broaden our product offering and strengthen the balance sheet to drive further growth.

Current Trading & Outlook

With a record H1 backlog of £29M and the component supply chain issues easing, the Company is in a good position to begin to revert to strong trading (largely no longer defined by component availability).  The Company continues on its growth journey, with the underpinning of its systems strategy through the acquisition of Phillips Aerospace (post H1), and the continued drive in maximising capacity (additional shifts, maximising space, use of third-party manufacturer) allowing for further growth into 2024 and beyond.  The product portfolio continues to strengthen with continued investment in R&D and sales, enabling a strong pipeline of opportunities, and conversion of these, to underpin future revenue growth.

Together, these strategic developments continue to provide confidence for the future performance of the Company.


Concurrent Technologies Plc
Miles Adcock, CEOKim Garrod, CFO
 +44 (0)1206 752626
Newgate (Financial PR)
Bob HuxfordAlice ChoMatthew Elliott (0)20 3757 6880
Cavendish Securities plc (NOMAD)
Neil McDonaldPeter Lynch

+44 (0)131 220 9771+44 (0)131 220 9772
Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income
Unaudited interim results to 30th June 2023
Six months Six months Year 
ended ended ended 
Note30/06/23 30/06/22 31/12/22 
Revenue   12,139,625    7,421,285  18,274,771
Cost of sales   (6,100,879)   (3,680,258)   (9,397,449)
Gross profit     6,038,746    3,741,027    8,877,322
Net operating expenses   (5,028,784)   (3,688,676)   (8,390,682)
Group operating profit     1,009,962         52,351       486,640
Interest Costs       (52,871)       (26,930)     (104,505)
Finance income         16,405          6,992             546
Other Income                –                  –                  –  
Profit before tax        973,496         32,413       382,681
Tax       154,441       518,890       604,344
Profit for the period     1,127,937       551,303       987,025
Other Comprehensive Income 
Exchange differences on translating foreign operations       (41,338)       100,789         69,463
Tax relating to components of other comprehensive income                  –                  –                  –
Other Comprehensive Income for the period, net of tax       (41,338)       100,789         69,463
Total Comprehensive Income for the period     1,086,599       652,092    1,056,488
Profit for the period attributable to: 
Equity holders of the parent    1,127,937       551,303       987,025
Total Comprehensive Income attributable to: 
Equity holders of the parent    1,086,599       652,092    1,056,488
Earnings per share 
Basic earnings per share41.54p0.75p 1.35p
Diluted earnings per share41.54p0.75p 1.35p
Adjusted earnings per share1.54p0.75p 1.35p
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet
Unaudited interim results to 30th June 2023
As at As at As at
 30/06/23 30/06/22 31/12/22
ASSETS £ £ £
Non-current assets 
Property, plant and equipment    2,528,605    2,445,996    2,685,107
Intangible assets    9,843,724    9,058,713    8,807,290
Deferred tax assets       321,577          7,243       350,753
Other Financial Assets                –                  –                  –  
  12,693,906  11,511,952  11,843,150
Current assets 
Inventories  11,048,329    9,460,432  10,090,437
Trade and other receivables    5,337,017    3,460,344    5,439,912
Current tax assets    1,126,010       597,086       762,545
Other Financial Assets                –                  –                  –  
Cash and cash equivalents    2,976,823    9,265,663    4,512,720
  20,488,179  22,783,525  20,805,614
Total assets   33,182,086  34,295,477  32,648,764
Non-current liabilities 
Deferred tax liabilities    2,311,767    2,176,884    2,126,588
Trade and other payables    1,118,819       505,767    1,257,820
Long term provisions       309,735         18,256       304,336
    3,740,321    2,700,907    3,688,744
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables    5,165,320    7,119,058    5,765,262
Short term provisions         18,256         18,256         18,256
Current tax liabilities         51,864         15,779                –  
    5,235,440    7,153,093    5,783,518
Total liabilities     8,975,761    9,854,000    9,472,262
Net assets   24,206,325  24,441,477  23,176,502
Capital and reserves 
Share capital       739,000       739,000       739,000
Share premium account    3,699,105    3,699,105    3,699,105
Capital redemption reserve       256,976       256,976       256,976
Cumulative translation reserve       (69,274)          3,390       (27,936)
Profit and loss account  19,580,518  19,743,006  18,509,357
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent  24,206,325  24,441,477  23,176,502
Total equity   24,206,325  24,441,477  23,176,502
Condensed Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
Unaudited interim results to 30th June 2023
 Six months Six months Year
 ended ended ended
 30/06/2023 30/06/2022 31/12/2022
 £ £ £
Cash flows from operating activities 
Profit before tax for the period       973,496         32,413       382,681
Adjustments for:
Finance income              (16,405)         (6,992)            (546)
Finance costs         52,871         26,930       104,505
Depreciation              447,858       121,589       422,047
Amortisation              650,862       627,395    1,197,972
Impairment loss                       –                  –         327,526
Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment     (PPE)                      –                  –                  –  
Share-based payment              155,603         48,785       219,363
Exchange differences              (44,219)       111,153         82,384
(Increase)/decrease in inventories            (957,892)   (3,034,996)   (3,665,001)
(Increase)/decrease in trade and other receivables              102,895     (471,711)   (2,451,279)
Increase/(decrease) in trade and other payables            (663,334)    2,920,826    2,222,123
Cash generated from operations       701,735       375,392   (1,158,225)
Tax (paid)/received     (155,183)       270,780       267,884
Net cash generated from operating activities       546,552       646,172     (890,341)
Cash flows from investing activities 
Interest received         16,405          6,992             546
Cash placed on deposit                –                  –                  –  
Purchases of property, plant and equipment (PPE)     (235,971)   (1,124,354)   (1,480,394)
Proceeds from sale of PPE                –                  –                  –  
Purchases of intangible assets   (1,744,508)   (1,993,577)   (3,711,617)
Net cash used in investing activities   (1,964,074)   (3,110,939)   (5,191,465)
Cash flows from financing activities 
Equity dividends paid                –                  –     (1,027,088)
Repayment of leasing liabilities       (70,210)       (64,809)       (94,842)
Interest paid       (52,871)       (26,930)     (104,505)
Cash received from share issue                –                  –                  –  
Purchase of treasury shares                –                  –            2,425
Net cash used in financing activities     (123,081)       (91,739)   (1,224,010)
Effects of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents          4,707       (17,589)       (21,222)
Net increase/(decrease) in cash    (1,535,896)   (2,574,095)   (7,327,038)
Cash at beginning of period    4,512,720  11,839,758  11,839,758
Cash at the end of the period    2,976,824    9,265,663    4,512,720
Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
Unaudited interim results to 30th June 2023
Capital Cumulative Profit 
Share Share redemption translation and loss Total
 capital premium reserve reserve account Equity
 £ £ £ £ £ £
Balance at 1 January 2022       739,000    3,699,105       256,976       (97,399)  18,082,077  22,679,759
Profit for the period                –                  –                  –                  –         551,303       551,303
Exchange differences on translating foreign operations                –                  –                  –         100,789                –         100,789
Total recognised comprehensive income for the period                –                  –                  –         100,789       551,303       652,092
Share-based payment                –                  –                  –                  –           48,785         48,785
Deferred tax on share based payment                –                  –                  –                  –                  –  
Dividends paid                –                  –                  –                  –                  –  
Sale of treasury shares                –                  –                  –                  –                  –                  –  
Issue of Ordinary shares                –                  –                  –                  –                  –                  –  
Balance at 30 June 2022       739,000    3,699,105       256,976          3,390  18,682,165  23,380,636
Total recognised comprehensive income for the period                –                  –                  –                  –         435,722       435,722
Exchange differences on translating foreign operations                –                  –                  –         (31,326)                –         (31,326)
Total recognised comprehensive income for the period                –                  –                  –         (31,326)       435,722       404,396
Share-based payment                –                  –                  –                  –         170,578       170,578
Deferred tax on share based payment                –                  –                  –                  –         245,555       245,555
Dividends paid                –                  –                  –                  –     (1,027,088)   (1,027,088)
Sale of treasury shares                –                  –                  –                  –            2,425          2,425
Balance at 31 December 2022       739,000    3,699,105       256,976       (27,936)  18,509,357  23,176,502
Total recognised comprehensive income for the period                –                  –                  –                  –      1,127,937    1,127,937
Exchange differences on translating foreign operations                –                  –                  –         (41,338)                –         (41,338)
Total recognised comprehensive income for the period                –                  –                  –         (41,338)    1,127,937    1,086,599
Share-based payment                –                  –                  –                  –         155,603       155,603
Deferred tax on share based payment                –                  –                  –                  –       (212,379)     (212,379)
Dividends paid                –                  –                  –                  –                  –                  –  
Issue of ordinary shares                –                  –                  –                  –                  –                  –  
Sale of  treasury shares                –                  –                  –                  –                  –                  –  
Balance at 30 June 2023       739,000    3,699,105       256,976       (69,274)  19,580,518  24,206,325
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