FireAngel Connect uses FireAngel's Wi-Safe 2 wireless interlink technology to connect products across the Company's smoke, heat, carbon monoxide and Wi-Safe 2 device range to a cloud-based system for remote monitoring and instant notifications.
Alongside its Wi-Safe 2 network, FireAngel has developed solutions that integrate with leading smart home hubs. By utilising Z-Wave1 and Zigbee2 wireless communication technologies, FireAngel has the potential to connect with other devices and offer additional functionality.
The extended range includes a new touch screen smart panel, and a home automation hub that enables continuous monitoring of devices within the property, ensuring timely updates and notifications.
The FireAngel touch screen smart panel has been designed specifically to address the needs of housing associations and private landlords. The hub's functionality enables housing associations and landlords to remotely monitor the performance of devices in the property, and provides tenants with the ability to report issues, as well as to receive updates and notifications directly. The FireAngel smart panel will improve tenant-landlord/housing association interaction, streamline maintenance management processes and automate required paper trails.
Each of the connected devices have been designed to include the Company's FireAngel Predict™ technology which uses a unique predictive algorithm to monitor data in real time over the internet to identify properties with an increased risk of fire, enabling landlords and housing associations to take action before a potential incident occurs.
The FireAngel Connect product range will be available for sale later this year. Further details of the Company's full range of connected products, along with further information on functionality, are available for view on FireAngel's website: