HgCapital Trust plc (‘HGT’)
Legal Entity Identifier: 213800J7QUJJBEFSIN38
Q3 Report to 30 September 2022
Please find below a link to the Quarterly Report, covering HGT’s performance to 30 September 2022.
For further details:
Laura Dixon +44 (0) 20 8396 0930
About HgCapital Trust plc
HgCapital Trust plc, whose shares are listed on the London Stock Exchange (ticker: HGT.L) gives investors exposure to a portfolio of high-growth private companies, through a liquid vehicle. New investments and existing portfolio companies are managed by Hg, an experienced and well-resourced private equity firm with a long-term track record of delivering superior risk-adjusted returns for its investors. For further details, please see www.hgcapitaltrust.com .