Lloyds Banking Group plc- Redemption of Preference Shares

Form of RNS announcement

17 July 2024


Notice of Redemption of 6.475% Non-Cumulative Preference Shares (ISIN: GB00B3KSB568) (Preference Shares)

The Company hereby gives notice that, in accordance with Article 3 of the Company’s Articles of Association and the resolutions adopted by a Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company passed on 17 November 2008, it intends to redeem the Preference Shares in full at 100p per Preference Share (the Redemption Amount) together with accrued interest to the date of repayment at 3.2375p per Preference Share (the Accrued Interest) on 15 September 2024 (the Redemption Date) pursuant to Condition 7 (Redemption) of the terms and conditions of the Preference Shares.

The Company has written to holders of Preference Shares setting out the process for payment of the Redemption Amount and Accrued Interest.

Holders of Preference Shares in uncertificated form in CREST will automatically receive the Redemption Amount and Accrued interest through CREST as one payment on 16 September 2024.

Holders of Preference Shares in certificated form will automatically receive the Redemption Amount and Accrued Interest by cheque or directly to their nominated account, as one payment, which is expected to be posted on 16 September 2024, to the address recorded in the Company’s register of members.

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