Whitbread Chief Executive, Alison Brittain said,
“Whitbread delivered total sales growth of 8.0% in the first quarter as we continue with a relentless focus on our customers, innovation and investing in our strong brands. Costa has started the year well and Premier Inn continues to win share, albeit in a weaker than expected hotel market.
Industry data has continued to show a soft hotel market in the UK, particularly in London. During the quarter Premier Inn grew total sales by 8.0% and like for like sales by 2.1%, which benefited from our substantial hotel extension programme. Against a strong comparator Premier Inn like for like revpar declined by 0.5% and total revpar declined by 1.2%. This reflects the market environment, the expected dilution of the impact of the extension programme and the c.3,600 new rooms added in the final quarter of last year, which will mature over the next few years. We are on plan to open 4,000-4,500 new hotel rooms in 2016/17.