Prudential plc Financial Results 2022

IFRS disclosures

Prudential plc 2022 results

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) financial results

Consolidated income statement

   Note2022 $m2021 $m
Continuing operations:  
Gross premiums earnedB1.323,34424,217
Outward reinsurance premiumsB1.3(1,943)(1,844)
Earned premiums, net of reinsurance21,40122,373
Investment returnB1.3(30,159)3,486
Other incomeB1.3539641
Total revenue, net of reinsurance(8,219)26,500
Benefits and claimsC3.217,997(17,738)
Reinsurers’ share of benefits and claimsC3.2(6,168)(971)
Movement in unallocated surplus of with-profits fundsC3.21,868(202)
Benefits and claims and movement in unallocated surplus of with-profits funds, net of reinsurance13,697(18,911)
Acquisition costs and other expenditureB2(3,880)(4,560)
Finance costs: interest on core structural borrowings of shareholder-financed businesses(200)(328)
Gain (loss) attaching to corporate transactionsD1.155(35)
Total charges net of reinsurance9,672(23,834)
Share of profit from joint ventures and associates, net of related tax29352
Profit before tax (being tax attributable to shareholders’ and policyholders’ returns)note (i)1,4823,018
Tax charge attributable to policyholders’ returns(21)(342)
Profit before tax attributable to shareholders’ returns1,4612,676
Total tax charge attributable to shareholders’ and policyholders’ returnsB3.1(475)(804)
Remove tax charge attributable to policyholders’ returnsB3.121342
Tax charge attributable to shareholders’ returns(454)(462)
Profit after tax from continuing operationsB1.41,0072,214
Loss after tax from discontinued US operations note (ii)D1.2(5,027)
Profit (loss) for the year1,007(2,813)
Attributable to: 
Equity holders of the Company: 
 From continuing operations9982,192
 From discontinued US operations(4,234)
Non-controlling interests: 
From continuing operations922
From discontinued US operations(793)
Profit (loss) for the year1,007(2,813)
Earnings per share (in cents)Note20222021
Based on profit attributable to equity holders of the Company:  
Based on profit from continuing operations36.5¢83.4¢
Based on loss from discontinued US operationsnote (ii)(161.1)¢
Total basic earnings per share36.5¢(77.7)¢
Based on profit from continuing operations36.5¢83.4¢
Based on loss from discontinued US operationsnote (ii)(161.1)¢
 Total diluted earnings per share36.5¢(77.7)¢
Dividends per share (in cents)Note20222021
Dividends relating to reporting year:B5  
First interim dividend5.74¢5.37¢
Second interim dividend13.04¢11.86¢
Total relating to the reporting year18.78¢17.23¢
Dividends paid in reporting year:B5 
Current year first interim dividend5.74¢5.37¢
Second interim dividend for prior year11.86¢10.73¢
Total paid in the reporting year 17.60¢16.10¢


(i)  This measure is the formal profit before tax measure under IFRS. It is not the result attributable to shareholders principally because total corporate tax of the Group includes those taxes on the income of consolidated with-profits and unit-linked funds that, through adjustments to benefits, are borne by policyholders. These amounts are required to be included in the tax charge under IAS 12. Consequently, the IFRS profit before tax measure is not representative of pre-tax profit attributable to shareholders as it is determined after deducting the cost of policyholder benefits and movements in the liability for unallocated surplus of with-profits funds after adjusting for tax borne by policyholders.

(ii)  Discontinued operations for 2021 related to the US operations (Jackson) that were demerged from the Group in September 2021.

Consolidated statement of comprehensive income

   Note2022 $m2021 $m
Continuing operations:  
Profit for the year1,0072,214
Other comprehensive (loss) income: 
Exchange movements arising during the year(541)(180)
Valuation movements on retained interest in Jackson classified as available-for-sale securities: 
Unrealised (loss) gain arising during the year(125)273
Deduct net gains included in the income statement on disposal(62)(23)
Total items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss(728)70
Total comprehensive income from continuing operations2792,284
Total comprehensive loss from discontinued US operationsD1.2(7,068)
Total comprehensive income (loss) for the year279(4,784)
Attributable to: 
Equity holders of the Company: 
 From continuing operations2802,277
 From discontinued US operations(6,283)
Non-controlling interests: 
From continuing operations(1)7
From discontinued US operations(785)
Total comprehensive income (loss) for the year279(4,784)

Consolidated statement of changes in equity

Year ended 31 Dec 2022 $m
 NoteSharecapitalSharepremiumRetainedearningsTranslationreserveAvailable-for-salesecuritiesreservesShareholders’equityNon-controlling interestsTotalequity
Profit for the year99899891,007
Other comprehensive loss(531)(187)(718)(10)(728)
Total comprehensive income (loss) for the year998(531)(187)280(1)279
Transactions with owners of the Company        
Reserve movements in respect of share-based payments242424
Effect of transactions relating to non-controlling interests494949
New share capital subscribedC8(4)(4)(4)
Movement in own shares in respect of share-based payment plans(3)(3)(3)
Net increase (decrease) in equity(4)594(531)(187)(128)(9)(137)
Balance at 1 Jan1825,01010,2161,43025017,08817617,264
Balance at 31 Dec1825,00610,8108996316,96016717,127
Year ended 31 Dec 2021 $m
 NoteSharecapitalSharepremiumRetainedearningsTranslationreserveAvailable-for-salesecuritiesreservesShareholders’equityNon-controlling interestsTotalequity
Profit for the year2,1922,192222,214
Other comprehensive (loss) income(165)25085(15)70
Total comprehensive income (loss) from continuing operations2,192(165)2502,27772,284
Total comprehensive (loss) income from discontinued US operationsD1.2(4,234)463(2,512)(6,283)(785)(7,068)
Total comprehensive (loss) income for the year(2,042)298(2,262)(4,006)(778)(4,784)
Transactions with owners of the Company
Demerger dividend in specie of JacksonB5(1,735)(1,735)(1,735)
Other dividendsB5(421)(421)(9)(430)
Reserve movements in respect of share-based payments464646
Effect of transactions relating to non-controlling interests*(32)(32)(278)(310)
New share capital subscribedC892,3732,3822,382
Movement in own shares in respect of share-based payment plans(24)(24)(24)
Net increase (decrease) in equity92,373(4,208)298(2,262)(3,790)(1,065)(4,855)
Balance at 1 Jan1732,63714,4241,1322,51220,8781,24122,119
Balance at 31 Dec1825,01010,2161,43025017,08817617,264

*  The $(278) million in 2021 related to the derecognition of Athene’s non-controlling interest upon the demerger of Jackson.

Consolidated statement of financial position

    Note31 Dec 2022 $m31 Dec 2021 $m
Deferred acquisition costs and other intangible assetsC4.27,1556,858
Property, plant and equipment419478
Reinsurers’ share of insurance contract liabilities2,8079,753
Deferred tax assetsC7.2310266
Current tax recoverableC7.11820
Accrued investment income1,1351,171
Other debtors1,6941,779
Investment properties3738
Investments in joint ventures and associates accounted for using the equity method1,9152,183
Equity securities and holdings in collective investment schemesnoteC157,67961,601
Debt securitiesnoteC176,98999,094
Derivative assetsC2.2569481
Cash and cash equivalents5,5147,170
Total assetsC1165,942199,102
Shareholders’ equity16,96017,088
Non-controlling interests167176
Total equityC117,12717,264
Insurance contract liabilitiesC3.2121,213150,755
Investment contract liabilities with discretionary participation featuresC3.2309346
Investment contract liabilities without discretionary participation featuresC3.2741814
Unallocated surplus of with-profits fundsC3.23,4955,384
Core structural borrowings of shareholder-financed businessesC5.14,2616,127
Operational borrowingsC5.2815861
Obligations under funding, securities lending and sale and repurchase agreements582223
Net asset value attributable to unit holders of consolidated investment funds4,1935,664
Deferred tax liabilitiesC7.22,8722,862
Current tax liabilitiesC7.1208185
Accruals, deferred income and other creditors8,7777,983
Derivative liabilitiesC2.21,001262
Total liabilitiesC1148,815181,838
Total equity and liabilitiesC1165,942199,102


Included within equity securities and holdings in collective investment schemes and debt securities as at 31 December 2022 are $1,571 million of lent securities and assets subject to repurchase agreements (31 December 2021: $854 million).

Consolidated statement of cash flows

   Note2022 $m2021 $m
Continuing operations:  
Cash flows from operating activities 
Profit before tax (being tax attributable to shareholders’ and policyholders’ returns)1,4823,018
Adjustments to profit before tax for non-cash movements in operating assets and liabilities: 
Other non-investment and non-cash assets6,4292,658
Policyholder liabilities (including unallocated surplus of with-profits funds)C3.2(29,208)9,095
Other liabilities (including operational borrowings)1516
Investment income and interest payments included in profit before tax(4,037)(3,738)
Operating cash items: 
Interest receipts2,6892,328
Interest payments(16)(11)
Dividend receipts1,5231,480
Tax paid(449)(453)
Other non-cash items276438
Net cash flows from operating activitiesnote (i)1,078278
Cash flows from investing activities 
Purchases of property, plant and equipment(34)(36)
Acquisition of business and intangiblesnote (ii)(298)(773)
Disposal of Jackson sharesnote (ii)29383
Net cash flows from investing activities(39)(726)
Cash flows from financing activities 
Structural borrowings of shareholder-financed operations:note (iii)C5.1 
Issuance of debt, net of costs346995
Redemption of debt(2,075)(1,250)
Interest paid(204)(314)
Payment of principal portion of lease liabilities(101)(118)
Equity capital: 
Issues of ordinary share capitalC8(4)2,382
External dividends: 
Dividends paid to equity holders of the CompanyB5(474)(421)
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests(8)(9)
Net cash flows from financing activities(2,520)1,265
Net (decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents from continuing operations(1,481)817
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents from discontinued US operationsD1.2(1,621)
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 Jan7,1708,018
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents(175)(44)
Cash and cash equivalents at 31 Dec5,5147,170


(i)  Included in net cash flows from operating activities are dividends from joint ventures and associates of $112 million (2021: $175 million).

(ii)  Net cash flows from other investing activities include amounts paid for distribution rights and cash flows arising from the sale of subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates and investments that do not form part of the Group’s operating activities.

(iii)  Structural borrowings of shareholder-financed businesses exclude borrowings to support short-term fixed income securities programmes, non-recourse borrowings of investment subsidiaries of shareholder-financed businesses and other borrowings of shareholder-financed businesses. Cash flows in respect of these borrowings are included within cash flows from operating activities. The changes in the carrying value of the structural borrowings of shareholder-financed businesses for the Group are analysed below:

Cash movements $m Non-cash movements $m 
Balance at1 Jan$mIssuanceof debtRedemptionof debt ForeignexchangemovementDemergerof JacksonOthermovementsBalance at31 Dec$m
20226,127346(2,075) (147)104,261
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