Sequoia economic Infratsructure Plc – Placing Price

Pipeline of investment opportunities and size of Placing


On 26 October the Company announced that it intends to raise gross proceeds in excess of £40 million through a Placing under the Placing Programme. The Directors may, at their discretion, increase the size of the Placing after considering information in regard to the market opportunities at the time of the close and are encouraged by the opportunities in the Investment Adviser's pipeline. Pursuant to the Placing Programme Prospectus, up to a maximum of 120 million New Shares can be issued.


At the time of this announcement, the Company's current pipeline of opportunities includes approximately £130 million of near term opportunities and over £300 million of additional opportunities available which meet the Company's investment criteria.


These pipeline opportunities have been identified by the Investment Adviser as being available for purchase. Varying amounts of due diligence has been undertaken on each of the opportunities and, as such, there can be no guarantee that the Company will ultimately pursue the potential investments.


Stifel Nicolaus Europe Limited (“Stifel”) is acting as sole sponsor, financial adviser and bookrunner to the Company.


The Placing is subject to the terms and conditions of the Placing Programme set out in the Prospectus published on 6 May 2016.


Expected Timetable


The Placing is expected to close at 11.00am (London time) on 6 December 2016.

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